Output Settings - MX490 Series

Article ID: ART163278 | Date published: 11/02/2015 | Date last updated: 04/15/2019


There are some settings on the printer that can affect its output.



There are some settings on the printer that can affect its output.  To find these settings and adjust them, follow these steps.
  1. Press the SETUP  button.

  2. Use the right arrow until Device settings appears.  Press OK.

  3. Press OK on Output settings.

  4. Use the left and right arrows to choose between Prevent abrasionExtended copy amt. and Prevent double-feed.  Press OK on the option that you want.

These three options are described below.
  • Prevent abrasion

    Use this setting only if the print surface becomes smudged.


    • Be sure to set this back to OFF after printing since it may result in lower printing speed or lower print quality.

  • Extended copy amt.

    Selects the amount of image that extends off the paper when copying in Borderless (full).

    Slight cropping may occur at the edges since the copied image is enlarged to fill the whole page. You can change the width to be cropped from the borders of the original image as needed.

    Cropped area will be larger if Amount: Large is selected.


    • If printouts contain margins even though you are copying in Borderless, specifying Amount: Large for this setting may help solve the problem.

  • Prevent double-feed

    Select ON to prevent double-feed of plain paper.


    • Select ON only when double-feed of plain paper occurs.

MX490 / MX492 Page


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