How to set the TX (Transmission) Report Print Settings - MX490 Series

Article ID: ART163748 | Date published: 11/23/2015 | Date last updated: 08/29/2018


This article describes how to set up the fax to provide a transmission (TX) report.


Setting the TX (Transmission) Report

You can set this report to print for each sent fax, to print only if there is an error, or to not print at all.
  1. Make sure that the machine is turned on.

  2. Press the Setup button.

    The Setup menu screen is displayed.

  3. Use the LEFTRIGHT button to select Fax settings, then press the OK button.

  4. Use the LEFTRIGHT button to select Auto print settings, then press the OK button.

  5. Use the LEFTRIGHT button to select TX report,  then press the OK button.

  6. Use the LEFTRIGHT button to select Print error only, Do not print or Print for each TX, then press the OK button.

    If Print for each TX or Print error only is selected, use the LEFTRIGHT button to select Yes or No for Attach TX image, then press the OK button. Selecting Yes causes the first page of the fax to be printed along with the report.


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