MX490 Series Sound Control settings

Article ID: ART163896 | Date published: 12/07/2015 | Date last updated: 01/05/2016


enable / disable beep


Accessing or Changing the Sound Control settings

  1. Make sure that the machine is turned on.

  2. Press the Setup button.

    The Setup menu screen is displayed.

  3. Use the LEFT button to select Device settings, then press the OK button.

    When you change the fax settings, press the Setup button, then select Fax settings.

  4. Use the button to select Dev. user  settings, then press the OK button.

  5. Use the button to select Sound control, then press the OK button.

  6. Use the button to select the item to set:

    • Keypad sound
      Selects whether the beep sound is enabled or not when pressing the buttons on the operation panel.

      Select On or Off and press the OK button
    • Alarm sound
      Selects whether the alarm is enabled or not.

      Select On or Off and press the OK button
    • Line monitor sound
      Selects whether the line monitor sound is enabled or not.

      Select On or Off and press the OK button
    • Offhook alarm
      Selects whether the alarm is enabled or not when the phone receiver is not put on the hook properly.

      Select On or Off and press the OK button

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