Update the MG3620 Firmware Wirelessly using Remote UI

Article ID: ART164475 | Date published: 01/22/2016 | Date last updated: 04/15/2019




Firmware Update

You can update the printer's firmware wirelessly using the printer's remote user interface (Remote UI) accessed on a web browser.  Follow the instructions below.
  1. Open the Remote UI.  See Checking Printer Information for Checking the IP Address and starting Remote UI on a web browser.
  2. In the Menu, select Firmware update.
  3. To check the Printer's Firmware version, select Check current version.  The version will be displayed.  Select OK to return.
  4. Select Install update.  If you already have the latest version a message will be displayed indicating this.  If there is a newer version, the latest available version will be displayed along with information about updating.  If you wish to update the firmware select Update and follow any instruction until update completes.

MG3620 / MG3622 Page

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