Remove FAU (Film Adapter Unit) from printer prior to scanning / copying film (MP800 / MP800R / MP950)

Article ID: ART159120 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/18/2015


Remove the FAU (Film Adapter Unit) from the printer prior to scanning or copying film.


Film Adapter Unit

Remove the FAU (Film Adapter Unit) from the printer prior to scanning or copying film.

  1. Lift up the document cover.

  2. Press in the FAU Protective Sheet tab and then remove the protective sheet from the document cover.

  3. When replacing the FAU Protective Sheet, flip the white protective sheet so that it faces towards the front of the machine.

  4. Ensure the two corner plastic tabs face the right side of the document cover.

  5. Slide the tabs into the slots and then press in the left side of the protective sheet until a click is heard.

  6. Close the document cover.



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