Remove / reseat the print head and ink tanks iP100

Article ID: ART150958 | Date published: 05/22/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


Remove / reseat the print head and ink tanks

Install the print head by following the procedure below.

  1. Turn the printer on.

  2. Ensure that the printer is on, and then open the Print Head Cover.

    The Print Head Holder moves to the center.

    Note: If the Print Head Cover is left open for more than 10 minutes, the Print Head Holder moves to the right. Close and reopen the Top Cover to return the holder to the center.

  3. Remove the ink tanks.

    Push the tab and remove the ink tank.

    Do not touch the print head lock lever (A); remove only the ink tank.

    Caution: Handle ink tanks carefully to avoid staining clothing or the surrounding area. Discard empty ink tanks according to the local laws and regulations regarding disposal of consumables.

    Note: Be sure to replace ink tanks one by one when replacing more than one ink tank.

  4. Unlock the Print Head Lock Lever by squeezing tabs inward.

  5. Raise the Print Head Lock Lever until it stops.

    Note: Do not touch parts other than the Print Head Lock Lever.

  6. Carefully lift the print head out of the printer.

    Important: Do not touch the print head nozzles.

    Note: Be careful not to get ink on yourself when handling these items.

  7. Re-insert the print head.

  8. Lower the Print Head Lock Lever carefully.

  9. Push tabs in left to right order until each clicks into place.

  10. Re-insert the ink tanks.

    Confirm that the red light for each tank is lit and the ink tanks are installed properly. Press down on the Push mark on the ink tank to lock the ink tank into the allocated slot of the print head.

    Note: Press the ink tank until a click sound is made.

  11. Make sure the back end (A) of the ink tank is pressed all the way down.

    Note: The red light may still be lit even if the back end of the tank is not completely installed.

  12. Close the printer cover.



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