Change the paper type (Mac OS X) MP960

Article ID: ART127290 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/14/2015


Change the paper type (Mac OS X)


Change the paper type (Mac OS X)

To set the type of the paper to be used for printing, following the steps below.

Note: Confirm that the cable is connected and the printer is powered on before continuing.

  1. From the File menu, select 'Print' to open the Print dialog.

  2. In the Printer pop-up menu, select the printer you are using.

  3. In the third pop-up menu from the top, select 'Quality & Media'.

  4. From the 'Media Type' pop-up menu, select the paper type to be used for printing. After selecting the paper type, click 'Print' to perform printing.

  5. Changing the paper type is completed.



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