Printing using the Photo Index Sheet MP610

Article ID: ART123174 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Printing using the Photo Index Sheet MP610


Printing Using the Photo Index Sheet

1. Turn on the machine, and load A4 or Letter-sized paper.

2. Make sure that the proper paper source is selected.

3. Select 'Photo index sheet' on the HOME screen.

4. Select 'Index sheet print', then press the <OK> button.

5. Insert a memory card into the Card Slot.

6. Select a range of images to include in the Photo Index Sheet, then press the <OK> button.

7. Press the <Color> button.

8. Fill in the appropriate circles in the Photo Index Sheet. See below for example of how to fill the circles.

9. Load the type of paper you selected in the Photo Index Sheet.

10. Select 'Scan sheet and print', then press the <OK> button.

11. Place the Photo Index Sheet face-down on the Platen Glass, then press the <OK> button.



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