Registering the date and time on the MX300

Article ID: ART118922 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Registering user information; registering date and time on the machine.


Untitled Document

Entering the Date and Time

Note: When your machine is connected to a computer with the MP driver installed, even if the date and time are entered from the Operation Panel of the machine, the date and time will be read from your computer every time you start the computer, turn the machine on, or disconnect and connect the USB cable. When using your machine connecting to your computer, set the date and time on your computer precisely.

The date and time will be reset when you disconnect the power cord or there is a power failure. In this case, you can set it again on the machine. Alternatively, it can be read from your computer and set on the machine by connecting the machine to your computer with the MP driver installed.

  1. Press <FAX>, then press <Menu>.

  2. Use [ ] or [ ] to select [USER SETTINGS].

  3. Press <OK> two times.

  4. Use the numeric buttons to enter the date and time (in 24-hour format). Enter only the last two digits of the year.

    If you misentered the date and time, use [ ] or [ ] to move the cursor under the number to enter the correct number. Three formats of date are available.
    * If you are unable to save the setting, ensure you enter the correct date according to the date format. There are three available date formats: MM/DD/YYYY; YYYY/MM/DD and DD/MM/YYYY.

  5. Press <OK>.

  6. Press <Stop/Reset>.



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