Setting Received Image Reduction

Article ID: ART102438 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


Setting Received Image Reduction


Setting Received Image Reduction

You can print received documents in a reduced size.

1. Press (Additional Functions).
Press (Additional Functions).
2. Press [Communications Settings] [RX Settings] under <Common Settings> [Receive Reduction].
The Receive Reduction screen appears.
3. Select [On] or [Off].
If you select [On]:
- Select [Auto] or [Fix. Red.] for <RX Reduction>.
[Auto]: The image is automatically reduced by a suitable reduction ratio.
[Fix. Red.]: The image is reduced by the reduction ratio set for <Reduce %>.
- If you selected [Fix. Red.], select the reduction ratio.
You can select 75%, 90%, 95%, and 97% for the reduction ratio.
- Select [Ver. Hor.] or [Vertical Only] for <Reduce Direction>, then press [OK].
[Ver. Hor.]: The image is reduced in the vertical and horizontal directions.
[Vertical Only]: The image is reduced in the vertical direction only.
If you select [Off]:
- Press [OK].
- If you select [Off ], the received document is not automatically reduced to fit the size of the paper. If the size of the received document exceeds the printable area, the image is divided into equal sections and printed onto separate sheets of paper.
- Regardless of the settings you set for Receive Reduction, if the area of the image which exceeds the printable area is less than 1/2" (12 mm), it will not be printed.

4. Press [Done] repeatedly until the Send Basic Features screen appears.



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