Send scannned images via e-mail using MP Navigator - MP240 / MP250 / MP270 (Windows)

Article ID: ART102042 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


Send scannned images via e-mail using MP Navigator


Sending via E-mail

Send scanned images via e-mail.

  • MP Navigator EX is compatible with the following e-mail software programs:

    - Windows Mail (Windows Vista)

    - Outlook Express (Windows XP/Windows 2000)

    - Microsoft Outlook

    - EUDORA

    - Netscape Mail

    (If an e-mail software program does not operate properly, check that the program's MAPI is enabled. To enable MAPI, refer to the manual of the e-mail software program.)

  1. Scan documents into MP Navigator EX and save them, then open the View & Use window from the Navigation Mode screen and select images.


  2. Click Send, then click Attach to E-mail on the list.

    figure: View & Use window

  3. Set save options as required.

    Specify the destination folder and file name.

    figure: Send via E-mail dialog box
    • You can select a compression type when sending JPEG images via e-mail. Click Set... to open a dialog box and select High(Low Compression), Standard or Low(High Compression).


  4. Click OK.

    Files are saved according to the settings, and the e-mail software program starts.

  5. Specify the recipient, enter the subject and message, then send e-mail.

    For details, refer to the manual of the e-mail software program.

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Send via E-mail Dialog Box

Click Send in the View & Use window, then click Attach to E-mail on the list to open the Send via E-mail dialog box.

In the Send via E-mail, you can make advanced settings for attaching images to e-mail.

  • MP Navigator EX is compatible with the following e-mail software programs:

    - Windows Mail (Windows Vista)

    - Outlook Express (Windows XP/Windows 2000)

    - Microsoft Outlook

    - EUDORA

    - Netscape Mail

    (If an e-mail software program does not operate properly, check that the program's MAPI is enabled. To enable MAPI, refer to the manual of the e-mail software program.)

figure: Send via E-mail dialog box
  • Mail Program

    The e-mail software program set up via Preferences in the Navigation Mode screen is displayed. Select the e-mail software program you want to use.

  • Adjust attachment file size

    When Save as type is JPEG, selecting this checkbox allows you to resize the images. Select a size from Size.

  • Save in

    Displays the folder in which to save the images. To change the folder, click Browse... to specify another one. If resized, the resized images are saved.

    The following folders are specified by default.

    Windows Vista: MP Navigator EX folder in Picture folder

    Windows XP: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder

    Windows 2000: MP Navigator EX folder in My Pictures folder

  • File name

    Enter the file name of the image to be attached (up to 32 characters). When saving multiple files, 4 digits are appended to each file name.

  • Set...

    You can specify a compression type for JPEG files.

    Select High(Low Compression), Standard or Low(High Compression).

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Opening Images Saved on a Computer

You can open images saved on a computer and print them or attach them to e-mail using MP Navigator EX. You can also edit them using an application that accompanies the machine.

  1. Start MP Navigator EX and open the Navigation Mode screen.

  2. In the Navigation Mode screen, point to View & Use and click My Box (Scanned/Imported Images), Specify Folder or Recently Saved Images.

    Click My Box (Scanned/Imported Images) to open images saved in My Box (Scanned/Imported Images), click Specify Folder to open images saved in a specific folder, or click Recently Saved Images to open recently saved images.

    figure: MP Navigator EX Navigation mode screen

    • If the Show this window at startup checkbox is not selected, the last used screen appears. If the Scan/Import window is displayed, click (View & Use) on the upper left of the screen. The View & Use window opens.

  3. Click the folder containing the images you want to open.

    Images saved in the folder appear in the Thumbnail window.

    figure: View & Use window

  4. Select the images you want to use, then select what you want to do with them.

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