Using Basic Mode to scan with the MX330 (Windows)

Article ID: ART129140 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Using basic mode to scan an image.


Scanning in ScanGear's Basic Mode

Use Basic Mode to scan easily by following the on-screen steps.

  1. Place the documents face-down on the platen. Alternatively, load the documents face-up on the ADF (Auto Document Feeder), then start ScanGear.

  2. Set Select Source according to the document placed on the platen.

Photo(Color) Scan color photographs.
Magazine(Color) Scan color magazines.
Newspaper(Grayscale) Scan text and line drawings in black and white.
Document(Grayscale) Scan photographs and documents in black and white.
Select this mode to produce gradations in gray.
Document(Color) ADF Simplex Scan documents from the ADF (Auto Document Feeder) in color.
Document(Grayscale) ADF Simplex Scan documents from the ADF (Auto Document Feeder) in black and white.


Some applications do not support continuous scanning from the ADF (Auto Document Feeder). For details, refer to the instruction manual of the application.


To scan magazines containing many color photographs, scan in Advanced Mode with Color Mode set to Color and Descreen set to On.

  1. Click Preview and check the document to be scanned.

    Preview image appears in the preview area.


    Preview button is not displayed when an ADF or type is selected for Select Source.


    If you scan without preview, colors are adjusted based on the document type selected in Select Source.

  2. Set Destination.

Print Select this to print the scanned image on a printer.
Image display Select this to check the scanned image on the monitor.
OCR Select this to convert the scanned image to text data with OCR software. OCR software is software that converts text scanned as an image into text data that can be edited in a word processor and other programs.


To scan at 301 dpi or higher, scan in Advanced Mode tab.

  1. Set Output Size.

    Output size options vary by the item selected in Select Source and Destination.

Item selected in Destination Output size options

When a cropping frame is displayed, the portion within the cropping frame will be scanned at 100%. When no cropping frame is displayed, the entire Preview area will be scanned.
Paper Size Select an output paper size. The portion within the cropping frame will be scanned at the size of the selected paper size. You can drag the cropping frame to enlarge/reduce it while maintaining the aspect ratio
Monitor Size Select an output size in pixels.

A cropping frame of the selected monitor size will be displayed and the portion within the cropping frame will be scanned. You can drag the cropping frame to enlarge/reduce it while maintaining the aspect ratio.

Add/Delete... Opens the Add/Delete the Output Size dialog, in which you can save custom output sizes. You can select this option when Destination is Print or Image display.


Output Size is not displayed when an ADF type is selected for Select Source.

  1. Specify the scan area (cropping frame) as required.

    Adjust the scan area (cropping frame size and position) of the preview image. You can also specify two or more cropping frames.
    If an area is not specified, auto crop applies (document will be scanned at the document size). If an area is specified, only the portion in the specified area will be scanned.


Preview images and cropping frames are not displayed when an ADF type is selected for Select Source.

  1. Set Image correction as required.
Fading correction Corrects and scans photographs that have faded with time or have a colorcast.
Backlight correction Corrects and scans photographs that have been shot against light.
Gutter shadow correction Corrects shadows that appear between pages when scanning open booklets.

For precautions on using this function, see "Gutter Shadow Correction" in the Advanced Mode tab.

Color Pattern...

Click to open a dialog box to adjust the image's overall color. You can correct colors that have faded due to colorcast, etc. and reproduce natural colors.


Image corrections is not displayed when an ADF type is selected for Select Source.

  1. Click Scan.

    Scanning starts.


ScanGear's response after scanning can be specified in Status of ScanGear dialog after scanning on the Scan tab of the references dialog box in Advanced Mode.




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