Ink yield specifications MX860

Article ID: ART127667 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 11/11/2015


Ink yield specifications for this printer.


Ink Yield

Ink Yield

Plain Paper*1 -- PgBK: 324, Dye BK: 3425, C: 535, M: 510, Y: 530

PP201*2 -- PgBK: 4250, Dye BK: 815, C: 241, M: 236, Y: 220

*1 Declared yield value in accordance with ISO/IEC 24711. Values obtained by continuous printing.

*2 When printing Canon standard patterns continuously with the default settings of testing paper using Windows Vista printer driver in borderless printing mode and Windows Vista Home Premium Photo Gallery.

Declared yield value determined based on Canon standard method referring to ISO/IEC 24711.

Ink yield may vary depending on texts/photos printed, applications software used, print mode and type of paper used.

Ink tank Volume:

PGI-220BK - 19ml

CLI-221 Bk / C / M / Y - 9ml




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