Uninstalling the Scanner Driver and MF Toolbox (Mac OS)

Article ID: ART108471 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/16/2015


Uninstalling the Scanner Driver and MF Toolbox


Uninstalling the Scanner Driver and MF Toolbox

1. Quit all running applications.

2. Remove the USB cable connected between the scanner and your computer.

3. Open Finder application of your Mac OS X.

4. Click [Go] from the menu bar ->[Go to Folder...].

5. Enter the locations listed below -> click [Go] -> delete the files or folders.

Note: You can delete files and folders by dragging them to the [Trash] icon in the Dock.


Files and folders to delete

Application/Canon MF Utilities/ MF Toolbox
/Library/Application Support/Canon/ ScanGear MF
/Library/Application Support/Canon/ WMCLibrary.framework
/Library/Application Support/Canon/ WMCReg.plist
/Library/Image Capture/Devices/* Canon MFScanner/app*
/Library/IMage Capture/ TWAIN Data Sources/ Canon XXX.ds (XXX varies depending on the model name)

* Mac OS x 10.6 only


If the [Authenticate] dialog box appears, enter the administrator's name and password, and then click [OK].

6. Close all open windows.

Uninstallation is complete.



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