Setting Shared Folder (Windows Vista)

Article ID: ART127795 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Setting Shared Folder (Windows Vista)


You need to create user accounts of the users who access the shared folder in advance. This section describes the procedures to create a new account in your computer.


Even if you don't create a new account by following the procedures below, you can add a pre-registered account as the user who is permitted to access the shared folder. In such case, you need to create a password if it is not set to the pre-registered account. Once the password is created, the user is prompted to type it when he/she logs on to a computer.

1. On the [Start] menu, select [Control Panel] to open [Control Panel].

2. Click [Add or remove user accounts].


If the [User Account Control] dialog box appears in Windows Vista, click [Continue].

3. In the [Manage Accounts] dialog box, click [Create a new account].

4. In the [Create New Account] dialog box, check [Standard user], and then click [Create Account].


The user name must be up to 20 alphanumeric characters long.

5. Click the user name created in the [Change an Account], and then click [Create a password].

6. In the [Create Password] dialog box, type the password in two boxes circled in black, and then click [Create password].


The password must be up to 14 alphanumeric characters long.

7. Close the [Change an Account] dialog box.



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