Replacing Parts.

Article ID: ART105569 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


When document feed performace deteriorates, replace the feed roller and separation pad.


The feed roller and separation pad inside the scanner wear with scanning. If the feed roller and separation pad are worn, documents may not feed correctly and paper jams may occur. When document feed performance deteriorates, replace the feed roller and separation pad.

When the total number of pages of documents fed in the scanner exceeds one of the following quantities, a message appears when the scanner is connected to the computer.

Feed Roller: 100,000 sheets
Separation Pad: 10,000 sheets

This message only serves as a rough guide for when to replace the feed roller and separation pad. They may wear out sooner if, for example, a lot of paper with rough surfaces is scanned.



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