Setting the language using the PowerShot SD1400 IS.

Article ID: ART107414 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


You can change the language displayed in the LCD monitor menus and messages.

  • In this section, [PowerShot SD940 IS] is used as an example to explain the operations. Depending on your model, the position of buttons, screen indications, and setting items may vary.

1. Press the <Playback> () button to turn on the camera.

2. Hold down the <FUNC./SET> () button, and press the <MENU> () button immediately.

3. The following screen will appear on the LCD monitor.

Operate the <Directional buttons> to select a target language.

After a language is selected, press the <FUNC./SET> () button.

  • The clock will appear if too much time passes between pressing the <FUNC./SET> () button and the <MENU> () button in Step 2. If the clock appears, press the <FUNC./SET> () button to remove the clock and repeat Step 2.
  • You can also change the display language by pressing the <MENU> () button, choosing the [Set up] () tab, and choosing the [Language] menu item.



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