Start the installation manually - MP280 / MP495 / MP499

Article ID: ART106645 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 05/06/2019


If installation does not start even after the Setup CD-ROM is inserted into your computer's disc drive, follow this procedure.


Installation Does Not Start Automatically

If installation does not start even after the Setup CD-ROM is inserted into your computer's disc drive, follow this procedure.


  1. Click Start then Computer.
    In Windows XP, click Start then My Computer.
  2. Double-click the CD-ROM icon on the displayed window.
    If the contents of the CD-ROM are displayed, double-click MSETUP4.EXE.
  3. If the CD-ROM icon is not displayed, try the following:
    1. Remove the CD-ROM from your computer, then insert it again.
    2. Restart your computer.
    3. If the icon is still not displayed, try different discs and see if they are displayed. If other discs are displayed, there is a problem with the Setup CD-ROM. In this case, service is required
      For support and service options, sign into (or create) your Canon Account from the link below.
      My Canon Account.


  1. Double-click the Setup icon of the CD-ROM folder to proceed to install the MP Drivers.
  2. If the CD-ROM folder does not start automatically, double-click the CD-ROM icon on the desktop.
  3. Remove the CD-ROM from your computer, then insert it again.
  4. Restart your computer.
  5. If the icon is still not displayed, try different discs and see if they are displayed. If other discs are displayed, there is a problem with the Setup CD-ROM. In this case, service is required
    For support and service options, sign into (or create) your Canon Account from the link below.
    My Canon Account.



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