Printer not responding (Wireless LAN) - MP495 / MP499

Article ID: ART137769 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


Refer to this document when message Printer not responding appears when attempting to print.


Printer is not responding

When attempting to print in a wireless LAN environment, message Printer not responding may appear. There are several possible causes for this message.

Refer to the following list of recommendations then click on the link to open the article and resolve your issue.

  • The computer and access point (or wireless router) have lost connection. Restart the computer and then attempt to print again.
  • The access point (or wireless router) and wireless printer may not be communicating. Power off and back on the access point and printer to restore communication.
  • The printer driver may not be set to the correct printer port on the computer. Ensure the printer driver is configured to the proper port.
  • The Canon wireless printer will detect nearby access points. If an incorrect access point was inadvertently selected, you will be able to select the correct one. Confirm the network name matches the one selected on the printer and the one on the computer.
    • To confirm the network name matches the one selected on the printer and the one on a Windows computer, click here.
    • To confirm the network name matches the one selected on the printer and the one on a Macintosh computer, click here.



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