Remove packing material MX420

Article ID: ART110187 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Remove packing material so that the print head holder can move.


Remove the Protective Material

The tape and protective materials may differ in shape and position from what they actually are.

  1. Open the covers.
    1. Open the Paper Output Tray (A).
    2. Make sure the Document Cover (B) is closed, then lift to open the Scanning Unit (Cover) (C).
    3. Fix it with the Scanning Unit Support (D).

  2. Remove the orange tape (E) and the protective material (F) carefully.

  3. Close the covers.
    1. Lift the Scanning Unit (Cover) slightly (1).
    2. Fold the Scanning Unit Support (2).
    3. Close the Scanning Unit (Cover) gently (3).



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