Setting the fax receive mode MX420

Article ID: ART110961 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Follow these instructions to set the fax receive mode.


Setting the Receive Mode

There are three receive modes as follows.

TEL priority mode

FAX only mode


*1 This setting is only available in US and Canada.

See Selecting a Receive Mode to select the appropriate mode.


The receiving operation procedure varies depending on the selected receive mode.

If you want to use a single telephone line for faxes and voice calls, you need to connect a telephone or an answering machine to the External Device Jack of this machine.

  1. Select the receive mode.

    (1) Press the FAX button.
The fax standby screen will appear. Confirm the current receive mode (A).

(2) Press the center Function button.

The Receive mode settings screen will appear.

(3) Use the up or down button to select a receive mode, and press the <OK> button.

The above illustration is missing receive mode DRPD under Receive mode settings.
The screen will return to the fax standby screen. The selected receive mode will appear on the LCD.
If DRPD is selected, the fax ring pattern can be selected on the DRPD: FAX ring pattern screen.

Setting the DRPD Ring Pattern (US and Canada only)

If you have subscribed to a Distinctive Ring Pattern Detection (DRPD) service provided by your telephone company, your telephone company will assign two or more telephone numbers with distinctive ring patterns to your single telephone line, allowing you to have different numbers for fax calls and voice calls using only one telephone line. Your machine will automatically monitor the ring pattern, and will automatically receive the fax if the ring pattern is a fax call.

To use DRPD, follow the procedure below to set the fax ring pattern that matches the pattern assigned by your telephone company.


Contact your local telephone company for detailed information on this service.

  1. Display the DRPD: FAX ring pattern screen.

    (1) Press the FAX button.

    (2) Press the center Function button.
    The Receive mode settings screen will appear.

    (3) Use the up or down button to select DRPD.

    (4) Press the right Function button to select Advanced.

    (5) Select DRPD: FAX ring pattern, and press the OK button.

  2. Select the ring pattern.

    (1) Select the ring pattern that your telephone company assigned to your fax number.
    Select from Normal ring, Double ring, Short-short-long or Short-long-short.

    (2) Press the OK button.

    (3) Press the Back button.
    The screen will return to the Receive mode settings screen.

    (4) Press the OK button.
    The screen will return to the fax standby screen.

Selecting a Receive Mode

You can select the receive mode suitable for your fax use conditions: whether or not you connect a telephone or answering machine to the machine, whether you use a dedicated line for fax, etc.

Select the receive mode according to the following procedure.

Each mode has the option settings. Specify those settings if necessary.

When receiving voice calls (with a telephone or answering machine connected to the machine):

When mainly receiving a voice call:

TEL priority mode

During an incoming call, the telephone will ring.*1

- If the call is a voice call, pick up the handset.
- If the call is a fax, pick up the handset. When the machine starts receiving the fax, hang up the handset.
Available settings in Advanced*2
Manual/auto switch: Sets the machine to receive a fax automatically without the handset being picked up. RX start time allows you to set the number of seconds until the machine switches to fax reception. After the machine switches to fax reception, you cannot talk on the telephone even if you pick up the handset.
User-friendly reception: Sets the machine to receive a fax automatically when you pick up the handset or when the answering machine answers a call that is a fax. If the machine unexpectedly switches to fax reception during telephone calls, set this to OFF.

When subscribing to a ring pattern detection service provided by your telephone company:


During an incoming call, the telephone will ring.*1 The machine detects a fax call by the fax ring pattern.

- If the call is a fax, the machine will receive the fax automatically.

- If the machine does not detect the fax ring pattern, the telephone will continue ringing.

Available settings in Advanced*2

DRPD: FAX ring pattern: Select a ring pattern assigned to the fax number (for DRPD).
Ring count in Incoming ring: Change the number of times to ring the telephone.

When not receiving voice calls:

When receiving a fax only:

FAX only mode

During an incoming fax call, the machine will receive the fax automatically.


Available settings in Advanced*2

Ring count in Incoming ring: Change the number of times to ring the telephone.

*1 The telephone may not ring during an incoming call even if it is connected to the machine, depending on the type or settings of the telephone.

*2 The settings can be changed in Advanced on the Receive mode settings screen.

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