Mount the card slot manually (Windows)

Article ID: ART129061 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Mount the card slot manually (Windows)


Cannot Mount the Card Slot

The Card Slot Cannot Be Mounted with the Canon IJ Network Tool

If you cannot mount the Card Slot to use it over network with the Canon IJ Network Tool, follow the procedure below to mount the Card Slot manually.

  1. Check the Default Name of the machine by selecting Network Information on the View menu of the Canon IJ Network Tool.

  2. Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Run.

    In Windows XP and Windows 2000, click Start > Run.

  3. Input "\\xxxxxxxxxxxx\", then click OK.

    "xxxxxxxxxxxx" is the string of 12 alphanumeric characters of the Default Name. For example, if the Default Name is "0000000847B6\canon_memory", then input only "\\0000000847B6\".

    • If you cannot mount the Card Slot with the method above, input the IP address of the machine instead of the 12 alphanumeric characters of the Default Name, and try again. For example, "\\\". If you mount the Card Slot with the IP address, you have to remount it whenever the machine's IP address changes.

  4. When the canon_memory icon appears, right-click the icon, then select Map Network Drive.

  5. Select the drive letter, then click Finish.

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