Restoring the Default Print Settings (Windows) - MX Series

Article ID: ART135912 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


Restoring the Default Print Settings


1. Click [ ] (Start)->[Devices and Printers].



  • For Windows Vista, click [ ] (Start) -> [Control Panel -> [Printer].
  • For Windows XP Professional/Server 2003, click [Start] (or [start]) -> [Printers and Faxes].
  • For Windows XP Home Edition, click [start] -> [Control Panel] -> [Printers and Other Hardware] -> [Printers and Faxes].
  • For Windows 2000, click [Start] -> [Settings] -> [Printers].

2. Right-click the icon of the printer whose settings you want to specify -> click [Printing Preferences (or [Properties]->[Printing Preferences]).




3. Click [Defaults] at the bottom right, then click [Apply] and [OK].

You may close all open screens at this time.

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