If <Memory is full. Scanning canceled. Print?> Appears

Article ID: ART136197 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


If Appears


If <Memory is full. Scanning canceled. Print?> appears.

Failed to scan the documents because of the shortage of memory capacity.

<Action 1>
Print the pages successfully scanned or cancel the job.
<Action 2>
Split the job into smaller subsets (fewer than 256 pages) and scan one subset at a time.

Your copy job is collated so all the pages cannot be scanned.

<Action 1>
Print the pages successfully scanned or cancel the job.
<Action 2>
Split the job into smaller subsets or set <Original Type> to <Text/Photo (Quality)> before you make a copy.



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