Paper Creases

Article ID: ART183024 | Date published: 06/12/2023 | Date last updated: 11/28/2023


Paper Creases


A possible cause may be that paper is not loaded properly or appropriate paper is not used. Check the following.


Paper Creases

A possible cause may be that paper is not loaded properly or appropriate paper is not used. Check the following.

Is paper loaded correctly?

If paper is not loaded below the load limit line or is loaded obliquely, it may crease.

Are you using paper that has absorbed moisture?

Replace with appropriate paper.

Does this problem occur when printing on plain paper or thin paper?

Change the setting for <Paper Wrinkle Correction>. The improvement effect is stronger with <Mode 2> than <Mode 1>. First try with <Mode 1>.
Setting a greater improvement effect may result in faded printouts or slower printing speed.

Are you using appropriate paper?

Check usable paper, and replace with appropriate paper.



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