When White Streaks Appear On the Printouts or Some Parts Are Faded

Article ID: ART110882 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


When White Streaks Appear On the Printouts or Some Parts Are Faded


When White Streaks Appear On the Printouts or Some Parts Are Faded

When the toner nearly runs out, white streaks appear on the output, or the output is partially faded.

* No message appears on the screen, if the toner nearly runs out. Replace the toner cartridge when white streaks appear on the output, or the output is partially faded.

  • If the toner almost runs out, distribute the toner evenly by shaking the toner cartridge referring to Step 6 in before replacing the toner cartridge. You may print for some time, until the toner completely runs out.
  • If white streaks, unevenness, or faded print appears on printout results even after performing the above procedure, replace the toner cartridge with a new one.



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