Uninstalling Software (MF3010)

Article ID: ART110884 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Uninstalling Software


Uninstalling Using the Uninstaller

Follow the steps in the procedure below to uninstall the printer driver, scanner driver, or MF Toolbox if you do not need them installed on your computer.


Be aware of the following before uninstalling the software.

  • Log on to your computer with administrator privileges.
  • Have the installation software ready in case you want to re-install the drivers).
  • Quit all running applications on your computer.

To uninstall the printer/scanner driver

1. From the [Start] menu, click [(All) Programs] -> [Canon] -> [MF3010] -> [Uninstall Drivers].

2. Click [Delete].

3. Click [Yes] to confirm the uninstallation.

4. Click [Exit] (or [Restart]).

To uninstall the MF Toolbox

1. From the [Start] menu, click [(All) Programs] -> [Canon] -> [MF Toolbox 4.9] -> [Toolbox Uninstall].

2. Click [Remove].

3. Click [Exit].



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