AI Servo AF Characteristics - Tracking Sensitivity

Article ID: ART136754 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 10/22/2015


AI Servo AF Characteristics - Tracking Sensitivity


Tracking sensitivity

Sets the subject-tracking sensitivity during AI Servo AF when an obstacle enters the AF points or when the AF points stray from the subject

[0] - Standard setting suited for most moving subjects.

[Locked on: -2 / Locked on: -1] - The camera will try to continue focusing the subject even if an obstacle enters the AF points or if the subject strays from the AF points. The -2 setting makes the camera track the target subject longer than with the -1 setting. However, if the camera focuses the wrong subject, it may take slightly longer to switch subjects and refocus the target subject.

[Responsive: +2 / Responsive:+1] Once an AF point tracks a subject, the camera can focus consecutive subjects at different distances. Also effective when you want to always focus on the closest subject. The +2 setting makes it quicker to focus the next consecutive subject than with +1. However, the camera will be more prone to focus on the wrong subject.

[Tracking sensitivity] is the parameter named [AI Servo tracking sensitivity] in the EOS-1D Mark III/IV, EOS-1Ds Mark III, and EOS 7D.


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