Ink yield specifications MG6220

Article ID: ART111633 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 11/10/2015


Ink yield specifications for this printer.


Ink Yield

Ink Yield

PGI-225 PGBk: 311*1, 3870*2

CLI-226 Bk : 2285*1, 635*2

CLI-226 C : 478*1, 312*2

CLI-226 M : 447*1, 284*2

CLI-226 Y : 466*1, 275*2

CLI-226 GY : 1480*1, 165*2


*1 Declared yield value in accordance with ISO/IEC 24711. Values obtained by continuous printing

*2 When printing Canon standard patterns continuously with the default settings of testing paper using Windows 7 printer driver in borderless printing mode and Windows 7 Home Premium's Windows Photo Viewer
Declared yield value determined based on Canon standard method referring to ISO/IEC 24711

Ink yield may vary depending on texts/photos printed, applications software used, print mode and type of paper used.

Ink tank Volume:

PGI-225BK - 19ml

CLI-226 Bk/C/M/Y/Gy - 9ml




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