Image Categories - Tagging Favorite Images

Article ID: ART134093 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


Image Categories - Tagging Favorite Images


Image Categories

You can tag images as favorites and assign them to My Category. By choosing a category in image search, you can restrict the following operations to all of those images.

Viewing, Viewing Slideshows, Protecting Images, Erasing Images, Adding Images to the Print List (DPOF), Adding Images to a Photobook

Tagging Images as Favorites

Press the   button, and then choose  in the menu

[Tagged as Favorite] is displayed.

To untag the image, repeat this process and choose  again, and then press the  button

Using the Menu

Choose [Favorites].

Press the MENU button, and then choose [Favorites] on the   tab

Choose an image.

Press the   buttons to choose an image, and then press the   button.  is displayed.

To untag the image, press the   button again. is no longer displayed.

Repeat this process to choose additional images


Finish the setup process.

Press the MENU  button. A confirmation message is displayed.

Press the   buttons to choose [OK], and then press the   button.

Images will not be tagged as favorites if you switch to Shooting mode or turn the camera off before finishing the setup process in step 3.

Favorite images will have a three-star rating when transferred to computers running Windows 7 or Windows Vista. (Does not apply to movies.)



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