How to load originals on the Platen Glass

Article ID: ART135873 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 08/15/2015


You can load originals to copy or scan on the platen glass.

  1. Load an original on the platen glass.

(1) Open the document cover.


 Do not place any object on the document cover. It will fall into the rear tray when the document cover is opened and cause the machine to malfunction.

(2) Load the original WITH THE SIDE TO SCAN FACING DOWN on the platen glass.

Originals You Can Load

Align the corner of the original with the alignment mark .


 Be sure to observe the following when loading the original on the platen glass.

- Do not place any objects weighing 4.4 lb (2.0 kg) or more on the platen glass.

- Do not put any pressure of 4.4 lb (2.0 kg) or more on the platen glass, such as pressing down the original.

Failure to observe the above may cause the scanner to malfunction or the platen glass to break.

 The machine cannot scan the shaded area (A) (0.04 inches (1 mm) from the edges of the platen glass).

  1. Close the document cover gently.


 After loading the original on the platen glass, be sure to close the document cover before starting to copy or scan.

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