If the Message <No Paper> Appears (MF8580Cdw/MF8280Cw)

Article ID: ART142018 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


If the Message Appears (MF8580Cdw/MF8280Cw)


Paper is not loaded in the paper drawer or the manual feed slot.

Load paper.

Paper on which reports or lists can be printed is not loaded.

Reports or lists can be printed on A4 or LTR size paper. Load A4 or LTR size paper and set its size. Also, set the paper type to <Plain 1>, <Plain 2>,<Plain 3>, <Recycled>, <Color>, or <Thin> depending on the loaded paper.

Paper on which received documents can be printed is not set.

Received documents can be printed on A4 or LTR size paper. Load A4 or LTR size paper and set its size. Also, set the paper type to <Plain 1>,<Plain 2>, <Plain 3>, <Recycled>, <Color>, or <Thin> depending on the loaded paper.

Paper Handling (MF8580Cdw/MF8280Cw)



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