How to install the software applications - MX452

Article ID: ART141621 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 04/26/2019


How to install the software applications - MX452


You can install additional software for your printer by follwing the steps below.

  1. Click here to access the MX452 support page.
  2. Click Drivers & Downloads.
  3. If your operating system is not automatically detected, select it from the drop down menu.
  4. Click the Software tab.  Then, click the Select button to the right of the listing for the program you want to to download.
    To get the most out of your printer's features, we highly recommend installing Quick Menu and My Image Garden.
  5. Click Disclaimer to read the Disclaimer statement.  Place a check in the box to indicate that you agree to the terms of the Disclaimer statement.  Click Download.

     Note : Software list may vary from example.
  6. Once the download is complete, double-click the file from its download location* to begin the installation.

    On Windows computers: Installation begins immediately after double-clicking the downloaded file.

    On Mac computers: You need to double-click the .PKG file which appears after double-clicking the downloaded file.


    .pkg example


    *On Mac computers

    The usual location for downloaded files is the Downloads folder which can be accessed by its icon on the dock. If this is not the case, check in the General settings of the Preferences for Safari or Firefox to determine the location for downloaded files. In Chrome this is in the Under the Hood section of Preferences.

*On Windows computers:

Internet Explorer - User specified during download procedure

Firefox - Default is Downloads folder or as User defined in Tools-> Options -> General

Chrome - Default is Downloads folder or as User defined in -> Options -> Under the Hood

Safari - Default is My Documents folder or as User defined in -> Preferences -> General

MX452 Page

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