Print when no ink setting

Article ID: ART141946 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


This sets whether to continue printing a received fax without storing it in the machine's memory when the ink has run out. However, if enabled, part or all of the fax may not be printed since the ink has run out.

Follow the steps below to access this setting


  • The * (asterisk) on the LCD indicates the current setting.

    1. Make sure that the machine is turned on.

    2. Press the Setup button.

      The Setup menu screen is displayed.

    3. Select Fax settings, then press the OK button.

    4. Use the LEFTRIGHT button to select auto print settings, then press the OK button.

    5. Use the LEFTRIGHT button to select Print when no ink, then press the OK button.

    6. Use the LEFTRIGHT button to select either  do not print or print, then press the OK button.
      The Auto print setting is now complete.


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