Uninstalling CARPS-IC D300 Series

Article ID: ART125883 | Date published: 05/12/2015 | Date last updated: 08/14/2015


Uninstalling CARPS


Uninstalling CARPS

If CARPS is not working properly, it might help to remove the CARPS software and install it again. Before you begin, be sure you have the installation software available for installation.

Before uninstalling the CARPS software, make sure you close all running applications.

From Printer Driver Uninstaller

  1. From the [Start] menu, select [Programs], [Canon Printer uninstaller], then click [CARPS Printer Driver Uninstaller]. The [Delete Printer] dialog box appears.

  2. In the [Delete Printer] dialog box, select [Canon imageCLASS D300], click [Cleanup], and then click [Yes].

    The CARPS software can be uninstalled using the [RUN] dialog box from the [Start] menu. To uninstall, ''C"\Program Files\Canon\PrnUninstall\CARPS printer Driver\UNINSTALL.exe".

From the Printers folder:

  1. From the [Start] menu, select [Settings], then click [Printers].

  2. In the [Printers] folder, click [Canon imageCLASS D300].

  3. From [File] menu, select [Delete], then click [Yes].
In Windows 2000/XP, you cannot uninstall the CARPS software unless you have administrative privileges.



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