Printing the User's Data List - MAXIFY

Article ID: ART167509 | Date published: 03/15/2017 | Date last updated: 04/26/2019


This article explains how you can print the User's Data List for your MAXIFY printer.  An example of this report is attached to this article.



The User's Data List shows the current fax settings of the machine and the registered sender information.  To print this list, follow the steps below.

  • For models that do not have a touch screen, use the arrows and the OK button to select the options shown.
  1. From the HOME screen, tap FAX.

  2. On the FAX screen, tap Function list.

  3. In the Function list menu, tap Print reports/lists.

  4. In the Print reports/lists menu, tap User's data list.

  5. When prompted to print the report, tap Yes.

  6. The printer will process for a few moments.  Then, the User's Data List will be printed.



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