Reducing or Enlarging Copies

Article ID: ART166352 | Date published: 09/02/2016 | Date last updated: 08/27/2019


This article describes the options available when reducing or enlarging copies.


You can specify the magnification optionally or select the preset-ratio copying or fit-to-page copying.

The screen below is displayed when you tap Settings in the Copy standby screen and tap Magnif. to select the reduction/enlargement method.

  1. Tap to display the screen below.

    1. Tap the numbers to specify the magnification.

    2. Tap to confirm the magnification.

  2. Flick to specify the magnification.

  3. Tap to confirm the magnification.

Reduction/enlargement Method


  • Some of the reduction/enlargement methods are not available depending on the copy menu.

  • Fit to page

    The machine automatically reduces or enlarges the image to fit the page size.


    The setting in Magnif.: Fit to page


    • When you select Fit to page, the page size may not be detected correctly depending on the original. In this case, select the setting other than Fit to page.

  • Preset ratio

    You can select one of the preset ratios to reduce or enlarge copies.


    Select the appropriate ratio for size of original and page size.

    The setting in Magnif.: 70% A4->A5/86% A4->B5/94% A4->LTR/115% B5->A4/141% A5->A4/156% 5x7->LTR/183% 4x6->LTR


    • Some of the preset ratios are not available depending on the country or region of purchase.

  • Ratio specified copy

    You can specify the copy ratio as a percentage to reduce or enlarge copies.



  • 400% MAX (maximum copy ratio) and 25% MIN (minimum copy ratio) are selectable.

  • If you make a copy at the same size as the original, select Same size.

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