Installing the MP750 / MP780 on Windows

Article ID: ART157342 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


installing the MP750 / MP780 on a Windows PC


Installing the PIXMA MP750 / MP780

Click to view the CD.

Follow these steps to install the MP750 / MP780:

  1. Insert the setup CD-ROM. Installation starts automatically

    NOTE: If installation does not start automatically, do the following: On the Windows taskbar, click 'Start', and then click 'Run'. In the Run dialog box, type the following command and click 'OK' (where D: is the drive containing the installation disk or copied software): D:\Msetup4.exe

    Click 'Easy Install'

  2. Click 'Install' on the Easy Install window.

  3. Click 'Yes' to the License Agreement.  Software installation will commence.

  4. When the software has finished installing, Click 'Exit'.



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