Duplex Printing Mac OS X

Article ID: ART159998 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/18/2015


Duplex Printing Mac OS X.


Duplex Printing

- Photo Paper Plus Double Sided PP-101D is highly recommended for printing photographs on sides of a page.
- If you have any problem on Automatic Duplex Printing, perform duplex printing manually.
- After confirming that the cable is connected, and the printer is powered on, perform the following:

  1. From the File menu, select 'Print' to open the 'Print' dialog.

  2. In the Printer pop-up menu, select the printer you are using.

  3. In the third pop-up menu, select 'Duplex Printing & Margin'.

  4. Select 'Automatic Duplex Printing'.

    NOTE: To perform duplex printing manually, deselect 'Automatic Duplex Printing'.

  5. Set the print area, stapling side, and margin.

    1. Print Area: In auto duplex printing, the printable area of the top of the paper is smaller than normal printing by 2 mm. To keep the entire print data within the printable area for printing, select 'Use reduced printing'. To print in regular size, select 'Use normal-size printing'.
    2. Stapling side: Select the stapling side.
    3. Margin: Specify the margin between 0 and 30 mm.

  6. Click 'Print' to perform printing.

    CAUTION: After printing on one side of the paper, there is an Ink Drying Wait Time interval before printing on the other side of the paper, during which the printer stops printing temporarily. Do not touch the printed surface.

  7. Setting automatic duplex printing is completed.



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