Scanning film using ScanGear MP on Mac OS X

Article ID: ART160011 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/18/2015


Scanning film using ScanGear MP on Mac OS X


Scanning Film Using ScanGear MP

Simple Mode

  1. In Simple Mode, click 'Select Image Source' to select either 'Negative Film (Color)' or 'Positive Film (Color)'.
    1. Negative Film (Color)
      Scan in 35 mm color negative film (strip) in color.
    2. Positive Film (Color)
      Scan in 35 mm color positive film (strip or mounted slides) in color.

  2. Click 'Scan'.

Advanced Mode settings

Example: scanning a document

  1. In Advanced Mode, within Input Settings, click 'Select Image Source' to select 'Color Negative Film', 'Color Positive Film', 'Monochrome Negative Film', 'Monochrome Positive Film'.

  2. On the left-hand pane, click 'Preview'.

  3. After selecting the images to scan, click 'Scan'.



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