Registering the Department ID/PIN/Function Restriction(MF8050/MF8350)

Article ID: ART110795 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Registering the Department ID/PIN/Function Restriction


Registering the Department ID/PIN/Function Restriction

Up to 30 department IDs can be registered.

1. Start the Remote UI.

(1) Start the web browser.

(2) Enter "http://the IP address of the machine/" in the address field, and then press the [ENTER] key on your keyboard.

Input Example:

(3) Log on to the Remote UI.

  1. Select [System Manager Mode]
  2. Enter the [System Manager ID] and [System Manager PIN].
  3. Click [OK].

2. Click [Menu] -> [Dept. ID Management] -> [New].

3. Specify the department ID/PIN/limit functions.

(1) Specify the department ID.
Enter up to 7-digit numbers to [Dept. ID].

(2) Set the PIN.

  • Select the [Set PIN] check box.
  • Enter up to 7-digit numbers to [PIN] and [Confirm].

(3) Specify the limit functions.
Select the check box of the functions which you restrict the usage.

(4) Click [OK].



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