Registering one-touch dial numbers (stand-alone) - C530 / C545 / C560 / C555 / C755

Article ID: ART154269 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Registering one-touch dial numbers (stand-alone) - C530 / C545 / C560 / C555 / C755


Untitled Document

One-Touch Speed Dialing

Note: If your MultiPASS is connected to a PC, we recommend using the MultiPASS Desktop Manager to adjust any settings. Using the operation panel and the MultiPASS Desktop Manager may cause confusion. Changes made to settings through the operation panel will not be displayed in the MultiPASS Desktop Manager, and changes made in the MultiPASS Desktop Manager will override any corresponding settings made through the operation panel.

Registering Numbers for One-Touch Speed Dialing

One-touch speed dialing allows you to dial a fax/telephone number at the press of one button. You can register up to 12 fax/telephone numbers; one for every one-touch speed dialing button on the operation panel.

Follow this procedure to register numbers and names for one-touch speed dialing.

1. Press Function.

2. Press

3. Use or to select [TEL REGISTRATION].

4. Press

5. Press again.

6. Use or to select a one-touch speed dialing button from 01 to 12.

If a one-touch speed dialing button has already been registered, the number registered under that button appears.

If a group is already registered under a one-touch speed dialing button, GROUP DIAL appears.

7. Press

8. Press again.

9. Use the numeric buttons to enter the fax/telephone number you want to register.

The fax/telephone number can be up to 120 digits long (including spaces and pauses).

To enter a space, press . Spaces are optional and are ignored during dialing.

To enter a pause in the number, press

To correct a mistake in the number, press to delete the rightmost digit.

To delete the entire entry, press .

10. Press to register the fax/telephone number.

11. Press again.

12. Use the numeric buttons to enter the name that goes with the number.

The name can be up to 16 characters long (including spaces).

13. Press to register the name.

14. To continue registering other onetouch speed dialing buttons, repeat the procedure from step 6.

To finish registering one-touch speed dialing entries, pressto return to standby mode.

Note: You can print the one-touch speed dial list showing all the numbers and names registered for one-touch speed dialing. Keep this list near your MultiPASS so you can refer to it easily when dialing.



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