EOS R8: Using the Screen

Article ID: ART182417 | Date published: 05/11/2023 | Date last updated: 09/13/2023


Using the Screen



Using the Screen

You can change the direction and angle of the screen.

  1. Flip out the screen.

  2. Rotate the screen.

    • When the screen is out, you can tilt it up or down or rotate it to face the subject.
    • Indicated angles are only approximate.
  3. Face it toward you.

    • Normally, use the camera with the screen facing you.


  • Avoid forcing the screen into position as you rotate it, which puts undue pressure on the hinge.
  • When a cable is connected to a camera terminal, the rotation angle range of the flipped-out screen will be limited.


  • Keep the screen closed and facing the camera body when the camera is not in use. You can protect the screen.
  • A mirror image (right/left reversed) of subjects is displayed when the screen faces subjects in front of the camera.




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