Change the ring count on the MX882

Article ID: ART109582 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


If you want to specify the number of times the external device rings in TEL priority mode, select FAX only mode on the Receive mode settings screen, specify the number of times the external device rings with Incoming ring, then switch to TEL priority mode on the Receive mode settings screen.


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Change Ring Count

If you want to specify the number of times the external device rings in TEL priority mode, select FAX only mode on the Receive mode settings screen, specify the number of times the external device rings with Incoming ring, then switch to TEL priority mode on the Receive mode settings screen.

  1. Press the FAX button.
    The fax standby screen will appear.

  2. Press the center Function button. Confirm the current receive mode (A).
    The Receive mode settings screen will appear.

  3. Use the button to highlight FAX only mode.

    The above illustration is missing receive mode DRPD under Receive mode settings.
  4. Press the right Function button to select Advanced.

  5. In the Advanced window, confirm Incoming ring is highlighted, then press the OK button.

  6. Use the button to select the desired number of rings and then press the OK button.
    The Advanced window will appear again.

  7. Press the Back button.

  8. Use the button to highlight the preferred receive mode and then press the OK button.
    The options are: TEL priority mode, FAX only mode and DRPD.

  9. Press the <FAX> button to return to standby mode.



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