Check the Maintenance Cartridge Status on the Touch Screen - GX2020

Article ID: ART183988 | Date published: 10/02/2023 | Date last updated: 10/04/2023


This article shows how to check the status of the MAXIFY GX2020 maintenance cartridge on the touch screen.


To check the status of the maintenance cartridge, follow the steps below.

  1. Make sure the printer is powered on.

  2. Select Hint icon (letter "i" in a circle) (Hint) on the HOME screen.

    The hint menu screen will appear.

  3. Select Maintenance cartridge info icon Maintenance cart. info..

    Figure: Touch screen showing usage of maintenance cartridge

    A symbol appears in the area A if there is any information about the used space of the maintenance cartridge.

    Figure: Touch screen showing a caution sign

    Icon showing that the maintenance cartridge is almost full The maintenance cartridge is almost full. Replace the maintenance cartridge as soon as possible.

 The above screen shows estimated used space.

 Selecting View model no. displays the Maintenance cartridge model no. screen for checking the maintenance cartridge number.

 To replace the maintenance cartridge, select Replace.

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