Layout Plug-In - Add Canvas Size dialog box (Mac OS X)

Article ID: ART136691 | Date published: 05/13/2015 | Date last updated: 10/30/2015


This dialog box is displayed when you click the Add Canvas Size button in the Layout Plug-In main window. It allows you to register and delete arbitrary canvas sizes (custom canvas sizes).


This dialog box is displayed when you click the Add Canvas Size button in the Layout Plug-In main window. It allows you to register and delete arbitrary canvas sizes (custom canvas sizes).

Click the Close button to close the Add Canvas Size dialog box.

Adding a Canvas Size
  1. Specify the units for the width and height of the canvas size you are adding in Units.
  2. Enter the width and height of the canvas size you are adding in Size. When you select a size displayed in the Paper Size List, the values are displayed in the Width and Height in the Size field. When Input Image Size is selected, the size of the input image is used as-is for the width and height of the canvas. Selecting the Create the Image with a Fixed Aspect Ratio check box allows you to create a custom size at the same aspect ratio as the input image. For example, if you change the width, then the height also changes according to the aspect ratio of the input image.
  3. Enter the name of the canvas size to add in Custom Canvas Size Name.
  4. Click the Add button.

Deleting a Canvas Size
  1. Select the Custom Canvas Size Name you want to delete from the Paper Size List.
  2. Click the Delete button.
    •  Sizes that have a red circle in the Name cannot be deleted.

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