Operation in Continuous Scanning Screen

Article ID: ART112687 | Date published: 05/11/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


If a document is scanned with either Scan First or Select Scan Job when [Enable continuous scanning] is set to [ON] in the Start screen, the Continuous Scanning screen appears when all of the pages of the placed document have been fed.


If a document is scanned with either Scan First or Select Scan Job when [Enable continuous scanning] is set to [ON] in the Start screen, the Continuous Scanning screen appears when all of the pages of the placed document have been fed.


  1. Thumbnail Display Area
    Displays the thumbnail images of the scanned document. The following operations are possible.
    Click a thumbnail image to display a preview of that scanned image in the preview area.
    Drag thumbnail images to change the positions of pages.
    Click   on a thumbnail image to delete the scanned image for that page (Scan First only).
  2. Preview Area
    Displays the preview images of the scanned document.
  3. Preview Controls
    Control the preview images and cancel or continue scanning with the following buttons.

    (Zoom in)

    Enlarges the preview image.
     (Fit page)Enlarges or reduces the preview image to fit the current window size.
     (Zoom out)Reduces the preview image
     (Rotate left)Rotates the image 90 degrees counterclockwise. (Scan First only)
     (Rotate right)Rotates the image 90 degrees clockwise. (Scan First only)
     (Rotate 180)Rotates the image 180 degrees. (Scan First only)
     (Cancel)Cancels the image scanning operation and returns to the top screen.
     (Scan)Starts scanning of the next document.
     (Next step)Proceeds to the next step in the scan process.
     (Page Number / Total Number of Pages)Displays the current page and total number of pages.


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