Allow MultiPASS Services in Norton Personal Firewall

Article ID: ART158213 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/18/2015


Allow MultiPASS Services to access the Internet in Norton Personal Firewall.


Norton Personal Firewall

If the firewall program is enabled (turned on) at the time the MultiPASS Suite is being installed, messages should appear that a program is attempting to access the Internet. These programs should then appear in Norton Personal Firewall 'Programs' tab. When a program is added or removed manually in the firewall program, it is recommended to restart Windows prior to accessing it. This will allow Norton Personal Firewall to update its rule base. If Norton detects a program is accessing the Internet and a dialog box appears above Systray stating the rule base is being updated, you do not need to restart Windows.

Accessing and adding programs in Norton Personal Firewall:

  1. From the Windows desktop, click 'Norton Personal Firewall' icon (in Systray) located near the time on the Taskbar.

  2. At the Norton Personal Firewall menu, click 'Norton Personal Firewall'.

  3. At Norton Personal Firewall interface, double-click 'Personal Firewall' (or click 'Personal Firewall' and then click 'Configure').

  4. In the Personal Firewall window, click 'Programs' tab.

  5. If the program you want to grant Internet Access does not appear in the list, click 'Add', browse to the appropriate folder to select the program's executable file (executable file names typically end in .exe) file and then click 'Open'.

  6. At the Program Control window, confirm the MultiPASS Suite programs and Microsoft Generic Host Process for Win32 Services (executable svchost.exe located in \WINDOWS\System32\) are listed and that Internet Access is set to Permit All or Automatic. So that Norton Personal Firewall does not automatically configure access settings for the MultiPASS Suite programs, temporarily disable (remove the check mark) Turn on Automatic Program Control.

  7. After all settings have been changed, click 'OK' to close Program Control window.

  8. Restart Windows.  Norton Personal Firewall should update its rule base and message windows may briefly display above Systray.

  9. Several Program Control windows may appear.  Confirm which program is trying to access the Internet and that access is permitted and then click OK.

    By default, Norton Personal Firewall will block fxredir.exe (fxredirect.exe) from accessing the Internet.  Click the down arrow, select Permit and then click OK.

Below is a list of Services and programs that should be allowed in order for the MultiPASS Suite and Windows to function properly.

Service / Program Name

File Name



Microsoft Generic Host Process for Win32 Services


Windows Host Process Service




MultiPASS Service is used to communicate between hardware and software

X:Program Files\Canon\MultiPASS4\

Microsoft Printer Spooler Service


Windows Print Spooler




Fxredirect is used by MultiPASS Suite to scan and PC Fax***


MultiPASS Toolbar


MultiPASS Toolbar is used when scanning via the Toolbar

X:Program Files\Canon\MultiPASS4\

Windows Explorer


Grant access when Windows Explorer takes too long to open


Internet Explorer


Grant access to run and or print from Internet Explorer

X:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\

 'X' is your computer's hard drive.

* MPSERVIC.EXE will appear if Norton Personal Firewall automatically detects the service. When MPService is manually selected in Program Control, it will appear as Implements the NT service that starts the server.

** FxRedir.exe will appear if Norton Personal Firewall automatically detects the program. When FxRedirect is manually selected in Program Control, it will appear as MultiPASS FxRedirect.

*** PC Fax only available on fax models (not MultiPASS F20, F30 or F60)

Additional Troubleshooting Procedure:

If the appropriate services and programs are listed in Program Control and messages "Server busy" or "Please start MPService" still appear when scanning or printing, remove all the above items from the list, restart the computer and allow Norton Personal Firewall to redetect the services. It is very important to read each dialog box before clicking OK. This will assure that the firewall program has properly granted access for that program.



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