Loading multiple documents (MP150 / MP170 / MP450 / MP500 / MP800 / MP950)

Article ID: ART155954 | Date published: 06/09/2015 | Date last updated: 08/17/2015


Loading multiple documents (MP150 / MP170 / MP450 / MP500 / MP800 / MP950).


Loading Multiple Documents

More than one document can be scanned at one time. Load the documents as indicated below.

  1. Place the documents face down on the platen glass.
    Up to 10 documents can be placed on the platen.

  2. Keep more than 3/8 inch (1 cm) between the documents and the edge of the platen glass.
    If documents are placed on a slant less than 10 degrees, the documents will be scanned after automatic correction is performed.

    The following document type will not be cropped accurately.

    - Documents smaller than 1 inch (25 mm) square.
    - Documents with a long edge at least 4 times longer than the short edge.

    The following document types may not be cropped accurately.

    It is recommended to scan these documents individually.

    - Photographs that have an overall whitish appearance.
    - Photographs that have a whitish border.
    - Documents other than photographs (particularly documents printed on white paper, hand-written text, business cards etc.).



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