Register the Printer's Root Certificate to a Web Browser for SSL Communication (Remote UI) - GX4020

Article ID: ART181034 | Date published: 12/01/2022 | Date last updated: 06/27/2024


Learn how to register the MAXIFY GX4020's root certificate to a web browser for secure network communication.


If the printer's root certificate has not been registered to the web browser, a message to warn you that the secure connection is not guaranteed may appear.

When you display Remote UI for the first time on your smartphone, tablet, or computer, download the root certificate, and then register it to the web browser. The secure connection will be confirmed and a message will not appear. However, the message may appear depending on a web browser even after you have registered the root certificate.

 Make sure that you have accessed to the printer IP address correctly by checking the URL field of the web browser before registering the root certificate.

 If the printer is connected via IPv6 using Windows, you need to generate a server certificate using the Remote UI.


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